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2by2 joined association for professional board members

In order to really ensure realizing value through strategy, 2by2 is from time-to-time engaged as a member of the board in some companies. To further foster and promote board work with different clients, 2by2 has joined as member of "Styrelseakademin" in Stockholm, an association for professional board members.

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Strategy lecturing at the Royal Institute of Technology

2by2 has through CEO Jonas Tulldahl been engaged as guest strategy lecture at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. Mr Tulldahl is lecturing at the two years Masters Programme in Industrial Management in the course Strategy and Industrial Marketing.

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Insight on strategy: The good strategy

In today’s competitive business environment, having a well thought out strategy is instrumental for surviving and for achieving profitable growth. Realizing a strategy can sometimes be challenging and is likely to require the full attention of a company’s executive management over a long period of time. However, our experience tells us that even developing a

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