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2by2 strategy survey 2012

In order to even better understand how companies perceive strategy, 2by2 has launched a strategy survey that focuses specifically on trying to assess key aspects of the functional area of strategy. The 2by2 strategy survey report for 2012 has just been issued and is shared with all executives that have contributed with their perspectives in

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The 2by2-team is growing

Filip Lesniewski is joining the 2by2-team as of October. Filip most recently comes from Hennes & Mauritz, the Swedish multi-national retail-clothing company, where he has been based both in London and in Stockholm. Filip will join as a consultant and will bring wealth of experiences related to retailing; financial control and modeling as well as

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Some countries clearly sub-scaled when it comes to R&D

It is commonly known that research and development (R&D) is of outmost important for many companies in several different industries, such as high-tech, telecom, healthcare etc. For companies in such industries the ability to excel in R&D may have a direct impact on the company’s competitive position in the market and consequently also have a

Announcing bumblewing

2by2 is engaged in an exiting project called bumblewing. bumblewing offers the marketer a unique way to use social media and drive buzz. With unmatched reach, live data streams and powerful analytic capabilities, bumblewing will change the way marketers work with social media. bumblewing offers the blogger a whole new way to capitalize day-to-day work

2by2 in social media

2by2 follows the evolution of social media closely. Social media can be an extremely powerful tool that has the potential to substantially boost your success, if correctly leveraged. But it is also a tool that quickly can destroy your brand if less effectively used. In many of the strategy cases we are engaged in, social media

Jonas Tulldahl joining Talarforum

Jonas Tulldahl has recently been engaged as one of the speakers of Talarforum. Mr Tulldahl adds to the existing network of speakers at Talarforum specifically with his presentations around Strategy, Competitive advantage and Business Planning.   About Talarforum Talarforum represents leading speakers covering many different topics and is currently present in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark,

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Christmas Greetings

2by2 wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year we have decided to make a donation to the Swedish Cancer Society!

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Announcing launch of the strategy survey

2by2 is truly committed to helping company’s realize value through strategy. In order to further deepen our understanding of the functional area of strategy we are now launching a strategy survey. The survey aims to build a factbase around the perception of strategy in general and specifically how it is being leveraged in the business

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